Jimmy & Chelsie
Thank you from us!

We are so grateful that you are in our lives! We are fortunate enough to not want for anything, thus we have not created a registry with "stuff" for our wedding. If you are spending your money and time to celebrate with us that is gift enough. With that being said, if you are the kind of person who's love language is gift giving, we have placed a few options below.

We will be saving up for a honey moon and would be grateful for contributions to that adventure. 

Or, we would be honored if you made a gift in our name to any of the following non-profits that are close to our hearts. 

Finally, Jimmy keeps saying that his favorite gift would be a "homemade drawing of us from memory" (a la Michael Scott's gift to Pam & Jim from The Office) - so if thats your jam, have at it LOL.

Thank you again, and we love you very much!